Saturday, April 18, 2009

What's new this week...

Hi, this is Gabe. Dad says that for the past week, every morning Mom has made him go on a walk. And that he loves the trail at Hamlet Park because there are always wild birds and animals on the trail. But he claims the walk is making him gain a bigger appetite instead of getting into shape. Mom says that she loves the trail walk especially the 3 cranes that can be seen from the new bridge they just built. She has been jogging with Anthony about twice a week but she has to cross the bridge while he goes around the entire pond in order to keep up with him. Anthony likes his new classes. The teachers are funny. Anthony forgot to mention something last time. He would like to announce that he got Valentine gifts from 2 girls this year, that's all. As for me, not too much going on. Just trying to keep up with the family fitness trend. I went running with Mom today. Still trying hard to keep up. Kayla is doing well. She is finally done with the baby shower. Ben is really enjoying the park. He has been bored because his mom has been so busy lately. So he's been spending more time with grandma. Eric is doing well too. He is just having a hard time adjusting to being bottle fed. He still won't take it so he has to stay with his mom wherever she's going. For FHE, we each have to individually contribute in some way to improving the family budget by spending less money. We had a fun FHE activity this past week. We all went to the park to play some soccer and play at the playground with the boys. We are all excited for Christina, Mike, and Kaleb. We just can't wait to hear updates about the new baby. We are also anxious to hear from Angela and Kyle too. I'm not allowed to say why. Last time I talked to Angela, she told me it was supposed to be a secret. Maybe I've said too much. Until next week, we love you guys take care of yourselves.