Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our New Blog!!

Hey Christina, Mike, Kaleb, Angela, and Kyle. We put together this blog to hear from everyone. Mom would like an update once a week if possible just with stuff like current events, FHE, and any special occasions or activities. As for us, we are celebrating Kayla's 23rd birthday on friday. We are having her family over for dinner and cake. Happy birthday Mike!! Mom sent a card out and we don't know if it will reach there by friday. So make sure you check your mail that day. I'll start with Dad. On his days off Dad and I went fishing for hours and caught nothing. We also tried to play tennis but the nets weren't up yet. We still played anyway. Mom has been working on a budget/financial planning for the family. It was the topic of our FHE. For me, I've not been up to anything much but the stuff I did with Dad. But I am planning for a dinner for Kayla and I. Kayla has been keeping up with the boyz while trying to plan a baby shower for her friend. She has healed up from child labor very well and even started working out. Anthony just had his spring break last week. His goal for the spring break was to get his driver's permit. He took the test three times. So maybe next time his get it. He just begun his last quarter for high school and he's very excited. Ben has been excited to go out more now that it's warmer. Eric is noticeably bigger and stronger but still very much a newborn. That's all from us. So keep us updated like once a week or something. Gabe